Prepare Enrich Program | Premarital Counselling

What is Prepare Enrich?

As the name implies, the Prepare Enrich Program is there to help a couple prepare (in some cases) for the Big Day as well as strengthen and improve their relationships. The program includes an online assessment, that provides couples with feedback about their relationship’s strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, the program also offers tailored couple exercises and resources to help build upon on a couple’s strengths while addressing areas of potential growth.

Who would benefit from this Program?

Couples who are considering getting engaged or making a serious commitment would certainly benefit from this program.

How exactly does it work?

A couple complete an online psychometric questionnaire. They do it individually and do not see each other’s answers. We then receive the results of their answers, which help us to encourage the couple regarding their strengths and begin work on the ‘red flag’ areas which every couple will have. There are very often concerns that couples have about the viability of their relationship, especially when they see so much divorce and misery amongst their friends or peers.

What Relationship Areas are Assessed?

Just about everything, including:

· Family of origin/differences
· Spiritual beliefs
· Sexual expectations
· Control
· Communication
· Financial management
· Infidelity
· Conflict resolution
· Stress and anxiety
· Leisure pursuits
· Friendships,
· Blended family issues
· Family roles
· Expectations
· Dreams and goals
· Remarriage
· Post-divorce issues

Who Would Benefit From doing the Prepare Enrich assessment?

Prepare and Enrich Counselling can be beneficial to many types of couples and individuals, including those who are:

· Engaged or newly married
· Experiencing significant relationship conflict
· Considering separation or divorce
· Reconnecting after infidelity
· Blending families
· Preparing for a major transition, such as a move, job change, or new baby
· Navigating stepfamily dynamics
· Navigating religious, ethnic, or cultural differences
· Coping with grief and loss

What do the therapists/facilitators do with the data once a couple complete the questionnaire?

Once the Prepare-Enrich questionnaire is completed, therapists/facilitators help a
couple analyse and interpret their results. They help develop strategies for improved
If the couple wish, the counsellor/therapist may provide them with ongoing support to help them implement the strategies; finding solutions which best fit their needs.

What do we need to do to access the questionnaire?

Hit the ‘Book Now’ button and book a free 15-minute Zoom session with either Ruthie or and we will talk you through the process. We will ask you a couple of very basic questions and you will be ready to go.

To book an introductory conversation or consultation with us