Ruthie Portnoy


Ruthie is a certified Imago Couples Therapist working with  couples and individuals, empowering them to make important moves and to deal with stress and pain.  She believes that most marriages and relationships can thrive and heal with the right help. She uses the Prepare and Enrich Program to guide couples who are considering  the commitment of marriage and the Gottman Relationship Checkup.

Ruthie works with individuals as an experienced Life Coach and an Advanced EFT Practitioner. For more information about her counselling and therapy services for individuals, visit 

Click here to book an introductory conversation or consultation with Ruthie

Joel Portnoy

MICP (Accredited)

Joel is a certified Imago Couples Therapist and Strategic Intervention Relationship Coach, having learned these techniques from Magali and Mark Peysha in Santa Barbara, CA.  With over 30 years of experience as a community rabbi, helping individuals, couples and families, he is a most empathic therapist and life coach. 

Joel works with couples in crisis using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. He believes in the potential for strengthening relationships through enhanced communication, love and connection, and he guides couples towards these goals in his role as a Prepare & Enrich Facilitator.

Click here to book an introductory conversation or consultation with Joel